Look up at the night sky. Look at the sequin- silver and molten gold twinkling and dazzling like a large hand has tossed diamond dust into the sky. Now look at your child – the one with that mischievous smile, eyes filled with curiosity and mind filled with wonder. Don’t you want your little star to shine as well?

Alphakids Learning Centre (ALC) has developed a pedagogy called “Asteria” and has patented its copyrights. “Asteria” is a curiosity driven, integrated theme based pedagogy which delivers an international standard curriculum through various resources. “Asteria” helps realize the shining star in every child and gives them the chance to sparkle.

“Asteria” was developed by senior reputed educationists and based on intense research. Both Alphakids International and Bellwether International are driven by it. It is designed to help create successful and responsible global citizens that are able to adapt to a constantly changing world. “Asteria” imparts, nurtures and develops thinking skills engaging the Mind (IQ), Heart (EQ) and Soul (SQ).

In Latin the meaning of Asteria is ‘star’.

Bellwether International School

Building Leaders, Changing Lives

At Bellwether International School, we are committed to producing future leaders who can take humanity forward successfully. Towards this goal, we have transformed our school into a “Boutique High School” where every child gets dedicated attention with optimized class sizes, child-oriented learning and active participation in a sophisticated environment.

With regular leadership opportunities, involvement of parents and community service, our students get an education entwined with ethics and discipline. Instead of schooling, which is standardised Rote Learning, we believe in student-centric education. Every child is given due attention keeping in mind their strengths and weaknesses. For the past four decades, we have successfully revolutionised education.

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